Category Archives: MLB records

D-Backs Still on Pace to Shatter Team K Record

A few months ago I wrote about the Diamondbacks being on pace to shatter the 2001 Brewers record for most strike outs by a team in a season.

So let’s check in (this is before today’s game):

2001 Brewers: 1,399 strike outs through 162 games; 8.64 strike outs per game.

2010 D-Backs have 812 strike outs through 89 games; 9.18 strike outs per game.

They’re set to break 1,400 pretty easily (about 1,487 at this pace), but they could even break 1,500 if they increase the pace by ~0.2.

Go D-Backs, you can do it. I believe in you.

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Filed under MLB, MLB history, MLB records